Wildly assassinated 200 meters from where his bicycle was found, the young student found himself after six days of researches.

The corpse of the unfortunate Nikos Hadjipavlou 21 years old,  found accidentally at five in the afternoon of Saturday, November 25, a young islander who was picking greens for his animals.

The unfortunate student was shot in the head and according to the first signs he shows bruises and abrasions leading to the conclusion that he was dragged by his killer or killers on the rocks and left to the point …

The corpse was in a small stream in the area of Laga, Chora Kalymnos  next to the road that leads to Prophet Elijah.

Kostas Valvis from Thera’s Voluntary Rescue Team – who also took part in the investigations for the unlucky Takis Vazakopoulos – told Tunnel that he and others who were investigating the area had often crossed this point, but they did not find anything.

The child’s shoes and socks were found 20 km away, on the other side of the mountain, on the asphalt road and  particular at Vathi Kalymnos. Obviously the perpetrators threw them there to make it harder to investigate the case.

The Chronicle

Nikos recently went to Kalymnos to visit his  family. His mother is a teacher on the island. On Sunday afternoon November 19 he left with his brother’s bicycle for a walk and disappeared.

When it got dark dark and he had not yet returned, his parents notified the police .

The bike was found  the same day in the rough area of Prophet Elias. Two days later his shoes were untied  and tidy with his socks beside them. They were in the opposite direction, on a main road connecting the villages of Kalymnos.

A tragic figure was his  mother  Ioanna Apostolaki – Hatzipavlou, who had just the night before appealed from the  the show Greek Police to send an  helicopter for further investigation.


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