On trial for the horrendous murder

In a trial for murder little Anni e referred her father Savvas Barkatziev his friend Nikolai and athird unknown person.

According to the Ordinance of the Council of Misdemeanors all three are accused for the horrible death of the little girl.

By the same decree referred and her mother, Dimitrina Borisova for minor exposure to risk. But it is clarified that she knew nothing about the fate of her child until she was informed by the police authorities.

The father – monster remains in custody in solitary confinement in Corfu prison, and his friend Nikolay is wanted. The third person, whose dna was found mixed with the dna of the little girl, has not been identified yet.

As said the lawyer of the mother Mr. Stavros Georgiou to “Tunnel”, the trial may determine in March.

The four-year old Annie found a tragic end by the hands ofherown father on Good Friday, April 10, 2015, in the basement apartment of street Michail Voda. The 28 year old as initially confessed killed her, then shredded and scattered her body parts in garbage bins after he had cooked them.

See details for the chilling story here.

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