Alarm has meant in Argos for Thanos

Mystery covers the disappearance of the young naturalist in Argos.

Tunnel investigated the dark case of Thanos Akrivos, 32, whose traces were lost on Friday, April 13, at Panorama Argos.

On Wednesday, April 11, he last contacted his mother. He told her clearly anxious that he was on the road and had lost his orientation. Before he can give her more details about where he was, his mobile phone has been deactivated.

His parents who are living in Nafpaktos, the next day, went to look for him at his house in Sepolia. They did not find him and declared his disappearance at the police .

After a local resident phone call for an abandoned vehicle, the Traffic Police identified the missing man’s black BMW  at Panorama Argos. It was unlocked with the keys in the starter and inside were money, his mobile phone turned off and bank cards.

aytokinito akrivos

According to a testimony, the missing person’s car was run out of battery and he was looking for a garage to repair it. Residents of the area saw him move around the immobilized vehicle on Thursday.

Another witness testified to the authorities that early on Friday, Akrivos approached him and asked him where he could find a garage. At three o’clock on the same day, a  garage owner of the area who passed through the spot saw him standing next to the car. The trunk door was open and a silver car had stopped next to it.

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The Prosecutor of Nafplion has instructed Police for research on CCTV of neighboring buildings in the area. The survey focuses on the silver car that approached Thanos Akrivos at noon on Friday at the point where his car  had run out of battery .

In the studio was  found  the friend of the family Yannis Bekos who is also administrator of the website and helps with the research from the very first moment.

“The GPS in his car showed us that he wanted to go to Mycenae but found himself in a different direction,” he said in the show.

According to another  friend, who was in the studio, in the house of Thanos was found a courier notice who was looking for him to deliver him a camping tent. There was  also found a list with camping items that showed that before he was lost he was planning  to go somewhere where he would need the equipment.

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Among other testimonies that arrived at the “Tunnel” for people who looked like Thanos and were seen in the surrounding area, stood out one that came from a resident of the village of Dalamanara, eight kilometers away from Panorama.

Early in the morning of April 20, he was impressed because someone had set up a blue tent inside the playground of the village. When he passed again around eleven, the tent was not there.


The viewers did not hesitate  late at night to go out and look at the beach forThanos, but without any effect.

The missing person height is 1.83  and when he was lost he wore a light-colored sweatshirt, black pants and sports shoes.

The Social Alarm has been issued after order of Greek Police.


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