The farmer returned to his family

The relatives of the breeder from Anogia Laconia did not believe in their eyes when they suddenly saw him in front of them after eleven days of searching.

Kostas Livas, 52, put an end to the thriller of his disappearance. After wandering in the wild nature of Taygetus, he appeared to his family on Saturday, September 22nd.

As hestated in his long-term testimony to the Sparta Police, he decided to leave for personal reasons and stay in the heart of the mountain away from civilization.

The traces of the breeder was lost on the morning of Tuesday 11 September. That morning his brother found the multi-page note of despair he had left at his house and immediately signaled alarm.

His agricultural car was found abandoned in the “Five Alonia” area of ​​Taygetos, at an altitude of 1,400 meters. Despite the extensive research that followed, there was no trace of him  until he decided to solve the mystery of his disappearance.


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