Life imprisonment for the murderer of Graikos …

The biggest sentence possible was imposed by the Mixed Jury Court of Thessaloniki on the meat trader for the murder of Dimitris Graikos.

On the night of Thursday, October 22nd, the curtain fell on the farmer’s much-praised case. Life imprisonment was imposed by a majority.

The decision was accepted with applause and cheers from the relatives of the 59-year-old farmer, who for 3.5 years waited for the punishment of the guilty.

With tears in their eyes, they stressed that “on the one hand they feel justified on the other, but that the gap of his absence is not filled”. They did not fail to emphasize that on Monday Dimitris would have his celebration.


The atmosphere earlier and during the trial, between members of the victim’s family and the accused, was extremely tense.

Tensions erupted after the lawyers’ speech ended with verbal attacks against the accused and the intervention of the Police was needed to prevent the two opposing sides from falling into each other’s hands. One of the sisters of the undefeated Greek could not bear it and fainted.

The Catapult is the Prosecutor

The Prosecutor of the Mixed Jury Court, earlier, suggested the guilt of the meat trader, for intentional homicide in a calm state of mind.

Her speech was a “catapult” for the accused. He stood especially in the many contradictions he fell into and in the fact that he appeared unrepentant until the last moment.

“To date, the accused has given three different versions of why the victim was found in his livestock unit,” the prosecutor stressed. “In his apology, he stated that Graikos was angry as he lied to him that he did not have to lend him animals, while he had. No allegations of the accused correspond to reality “.

The Prosecutor also stressed the circumstances under which the crime took place, emphasizing that “initially she had reported to the police that she had given him only one cuff. In court, in his apology, he said that he hit him hard with the bottom of his palm. What he said about the blows in the first version is not confirmed by the forensic examination. In the second version, the accused spoke of a slap, that is, a strong bump / blow, as well as that he dragged him on him, and that is why he fell. All medical examiners, however, agree that the fractures were due to strong and severe bruises. The deadly blows were caused by strong blows “.

The prosecutor emphasized her speech in the meeting with the driver of the truck that transported the soil to the livestock unit, a few minutes after the crime.

“It was this meeting that had offered him a ‘strong alibi’ and saved him all these years”, he stressed and stood in the calm with which the accused was talking to the driver a few minutes after the murder.

“A man who has killed someone ‘by mistake’ would either ask for help or be expelled,” the prosecutor said. “According to forensic psychology, one cannot be so cool and relaxed, and have this apathy, if of course what has been said above applies. And then return to the place where you hid the body, make sure to drag it and bury it “.

The prosecutor even referred to the composure she showed even in the interviews she had given to “Tunnel”. “For 2.5 years he hid the death of Graikos and came out with the same composure on TV shows, as in” Light in the Tunnel “and with the same composure he reacted and continued to lie to the police when the car was found.”

The Prosecutor concluded: “The only reason he apologized was for the lies he told the Investigator, but he never spoke and did not apologize to the relatives of the victim, while he never said anything about the victim himself.”

Read more about the case here.

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