On the trail of the kidnapper and murderer…

A young man was found murdered. His gierlfriend the only one who could identify the perpetrator, disappeared mysteriously… Her bloody traces indicate the nightmare she lived.

The double thriller of Salamina with the murdered officer of the Navy and the missing young mother, came alive again at the ” Tunnel” . The show followed after two and a half years, the dark shadow of the kidnapper and killer who spreads fear at the island … Witnesses broke after so long their silence and revealed everything that happened. What the unfortunate young man confessed before he was murdered


Double attack…

The 27 year old Officer of the Navy Geiorgos Bakas , was found murdered in his car on the beach Faneromeni at Salamina. His gierlfriend Natasa Apergi 22 year old, mother of a two year old girl disappeared mysteriously…

Her personal items were found at the back seat of the car. Within walking distance to the forest, a small pool of blood and her earring, shows what happened to her…

It all happened after midnight on Sunday July 24th, 2011 and revealed the next morning .

Angeliki Nikolouli went to the island of mystery and followed the path of the car with the victim’s father, in an attempt to illuminate the darkness that covered the offender. The journalist identified witnesses who heard the shot that night and talked with them. She researched the places where the couple visited on the island and recorded significant testimonies.She met Natasa ‘s mother at the room of her missing daughter and revived her last moments.


“Tunnel” with methodical research brought to light new evidence about the mysterious case.

“”They are threading me “

In the summer of 2011 the young officer of the Navy worked alongside as at a club in of Salamina. A friend o his revealed to the show that two days before he was murdered he had confided that someone was threading him and he seemed restless. The friend offered to help him and advised Giorgos not to go to any appointment alone and to avoid places without people. Giorgos agreed and promised him that they would meet the next day at a cafeteria to talk about everything that happened.But death came first

What happened to the club of the island?

Another witness revealed a serious incident that happened at the club where Giorgos Bakas worked alongside. He said that someone stole a large amount of money which angered a lot one of the owners who then had said that: ” I will get this mouse and take care of him. No one steals my money “.

Witness fears of whether Giorgos saw or knew anything about the incident, which may cost him his life.

One of the representatives of the club gave at the “Tunnel” his own answer to the above version. He said that his relations with the victim were very good and said that even though they investigated everyone about the stealing, they never found anything… He believes that behind the crime and kidnapping a serial killer is hiding.

” They vanished the young woman to erase their traces ”

Witness who knows very well the action of a group of people who were convicted of rape and murder and were released and live on the island , spoke at the “Tunnel”.

He estimates that the perpetrators killed the man and raped and vanished his girlfriend, so the police could not find their genetic material.

The documents and testimonies gathered by the months-long investigation of “Tunnel” for this strange murder and disappearance, are ??available to the authorities.

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