Tension in the trial for the murder of the captain

With the examination of the captain’s widow’s relative, continued the trial for his murder in Koilada Argolis.

On the morning of Friday, September 27, the brother in law of the defendant testified at Nafplio Mixed Court of Appeal.
He said that at one and twenty in the afternoon of the day in question he went to his father-in-law’s house to get some food and there he met the accused. He claimed that he then went to his own house, left the food to his wife and went down to the courtyard to pick up lemons.
He went on saying  that around two o clock the close friend of Thanassis Lambrou  called him on his cellphone, saying:
“Come quickly, Thanasis is in trouble.”
He claimed that he did not say anything to his wife and that he immediately went to the victim’s friend’s house. There, as he told the court, he saw from afar the captain fallen to the ground and immediately went out onto the main road waiting for the ambulance.
What he said caused the strong reaction of the court and of the lawyers of the victim’s family. The witness could not answer clearly why he did not alert his wife or the victim’s wife, why his wife did not seek for him, and why when she called him on the phone she asked him “what is going on with Thanasis” while he not had previously informed her.
As the victim’s family’s legal representatives told the court, the witness attempted to justify the contradictions that the defendant’s relatives. In particular, her father testified that no one went to their house that afternoon, while her mother testified that only the accused went at the house.
“I don’t know what others have testified. I know only what I’ve testified, “the witness said.
Finally, when he was asked if the police officers had abused him or his wife during the pre-trial procedure, he answered negatively.
The trial will continue on Friday, October 18, with the testimonies of the mother and the sister of the accused.
The chronicle
On December 8, 2014, 42-year-old Thanassis Lambrou was found shot in the house of a friend. The deadly revolver covered with his head and the victim’s right hand belonged to his friend. His own was the bloody knife found next to the captain. The same man found him bloodied in his backyard, but police and a doctor arrived much later.
Angeliki Nikolouli and her colleagues started the investigation after a call from the victim’s sister. Thanassis Lambrou relatives from the first moment did not believe that the man had committed suicide as initially claimed by the authorities, but that he was murdered.
The captain’s widow appeared on the show and with her own intervention a police officer from Athens participated in the investigation. Shortly thereafter she confessed to killing her husband, and while she was made aware of her rights, she agreed to disclose all that had happened without the presence of a lawyer, but then refused to sign her confession. He was initially sentenced to life in prison for the murder of the captain.

Check out all the developments here.

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