They set up an accident to cover a crime?

After the holocaust of the teacher, the citizens themselves opened the folder of an odd case. Victim the 20 year old Dimitris Tsinias resident of Agrinio.

The family of near two years now, researching deeply to reveal everything that happened that fateful night turned into a nightmare. On his way back to his house, a death had set. A witness who was nearby, recorded in the summer night the horror scene and revealed at “Tunnel” everything he heard and saw.

A car moped Dimitris just before the exit of the tunnel and forcefully pulled him from his way, resulting in instant death.

Strange “coincidence”? At that time a car was moving suspiciously around the school complex located within walking distance, as if something occupants waited …

Tragic irony: Police officers patrolling the area left without being able to find it. On the road intersected with Dimitris who greeted them …

The curious role of the young woman who the 20 year old tried to protect some time ago and the misunderstanding with the “hard” group, are some of the key pieces in the mystery puzzle. The quarrel that preceded in a public place between the 20-year old Dimitri and a man of the group raises burning questions which are seeking for answers …

For parents and three siblings of Dimitris Tsinias, it has become life purpose the disclosure of the truth … Everything happened at dawn Saturday, June 21, 2014 at the exit of the tunnel of Andreas Papandreou street in Agrinio. Dimitris drove a small motorcycle. All details reveal as experts suggest engaging that a second vehicle hit him from behind with force and disappeared.

Witness: Someone hit him from behind in the tunnel and pulled him out of his way …

An important testimony opens the path to reveal what really happened that night to the unfortunate young man. Nikos Schizas who is living within walking distance from where Dimitris left his last breath describes at the camera of “Tunnel” what he heard that night. Around half past three in the morning he was sitting on the steps of his house. The night was very quiet. Suddenly he heard from the tunnel of Andreas Papandreou Street sounds from two engines. There were a motorcycle and a car. A smaller sound followed and then a after that a bigger one. Then he realized that the engine of the motorbike was switched off, but the car engine was still idling. He climbed at the porch of the house and saw a man lying on the pavement shaking.

The car was left at normal speed to prevent motion suspicions towards the old hospital of Agrinio. The witness did not hear braking or voices. Everything happened very quickly. Immediately he ran for help. Dimitris stood on the pavement without shoes and he had greens in his hands. After a while he died. The witness is convinced that someone rammed the motorcycle. “Anyone else knows something, must speak, it is a pity …” he said.

Friend: What Dimitris asked that fateful night …

The friends of the victim spoke at the “Tunnel”. They were the last people who saw him before losing his life. On that fateful night of June about two o clock in the morning, Dimitri went with a friend at a cafe-bar of another friend. As told to “Tunnel” the owner of the bar, there was nothing strange in the behavior of Dimitris. But something strange happened. The 20 year old turned to his friend and asked him to carry his motorbike in his car without explain the reason. When he refused because it was not fit in the car, Dimitris said he was joking.

On the way home he stopped at a tavern, to see other friends who were there. He sat for about an hour without drink much alcohol. When his death became known, his friends could not believe that he was killed by accident with this motorbike. They believe that something has happened and ask anyone who knows something to speak. They described it as a calm young man who had no differences with others, but lately it seemed as something was bothering him.

They set accident to cover the crime?

Tragic figure the mother of the unfortunate young man Anna Kapniari, was found with the reporter of “Tunnel” at the point of mystery, a few meters from her house. She described at the broadcast camera the conditions that prevailed the night her child died. The weather was good and the pavement wasn’t slipping. Although Dimitris was not wearing a helmet, the motorbike he was driving couldn’t t not go fast and would not justify such a severe impact with instant death. She said that near at the tunnel was a security camera that does not work. Problem had also the pulsating signal which did not work on that fateful night.

According to evidence the family managed to gather with the two-year research and the expert contribution, it is considered certain that a second vehicle involved fell firmly on the motorbike which unfortunate young man drove. Since the severity of the crash the motorbike hurled several meters away. The blow that received the vehicle it is shown by the distortion of the skeleton. The steering wheel almost united with the saddle seat. Due to nationwide school tests conducted at that time a the school which is within walking distance of the point, guarded by a police man. At the time of the incident a suspect car moved around the complex and the police called for identification, but without result.

Anna Kapniari was referred to a quarrel which her son had recently with one man of the company of a girlfriend of his. The victim had offered to help her to escape from those who exploited her. He even hosted for two nights the unknown to the family girl. Relatives are seeking her to shed light in the darkness.

He told me to host her but I did not know who she was…

The grandfather of the unfortunate 20 year old Dimitris Kapniaris sent dramatic appeal through “Tunnel” to anyone who knows anything about the loss of his beloved grandson to speak and finally give answers to the questions that tormenting the family. Shortly before the tragic event, Dimitris had asked him to host at his house for two days a girlfriend, who was facing problems.

The elderly had seen them sleeping in different rooms. His grandson had not revealed her name, as if he wanted to protect her. He described her as a tall, thin girl, with long brown hair that were covered with a handkerchief.

They set his death trap for a woman?

The victim’s father, described at the reporter of “Tunnel” the path followed by his son that night. Just a few minutes before the accident, he greeted a police man friend of his who was patrolling the area to locate the suspect vehicle. He confirmed that Dimitris was driving slowly. At the family arrived many information about suspicious cars that were at the area that night. A white van and a black car. Yet nobody has officially talked about them. As father told to the show, on the route before and after the tunnel there are bypass roads where someone could have set up a trap to his son. Friend of Dimitris confided that shortly before the crash, was involved in a fight with two unknown persons. One of them had a rather large tattoo on his left arm from the elbow and down. Perhaps the quarrel is related with the girlfriend who hosted and wanted to protect because he knew that she had been a victim of exploitation.

The sister of Dimitris Georgia, spoke to Tunnel: “It was a big shock for me because he died with my motorbike,” said at the “Tunnel”. She claimed that Dimitris had changed recently, was not sleeping well and seemed troubled but he did not disclose what was bothering him. She issued a dramatic appeal to anyone who knows to help the family. “We know that he will not return back, but the fact he left us so unjustly kills every day”, she concluded.

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