United in a search for life…

Full of hope came to the studio of “Tunnel” two women, two different generations.

Mother and daughter looking for daughter and sister who was some people ripped fraudulently 35 years ago from Piraeus.

The 54 year old Eleni Zakka, unfolded the album of her youthful years, when she gave birth to her first baby girl… At her side are always, her husband and her daughter Anna, who support her in this search for life …

A light lit after 35 years and gave hope to all. Relatives of 35-year old came in contact with the “Tunnel”, wanting to clear up the picture they had for the birth mother. The next few days will show if a bridge will connect the mother, daughter and sister …

Twenty years of searching …

Since 1985 Eleni Zakka is looking for her little girl who was taken from her arms at the age of five days.

Eleni was born and raised in Steiri Viotia. When she was 18 years old engaged to a young man and got pregnant. In the early months of pregnancy the couple lived together. When he started abusing her she returned to her parents’ home seeking support, something that has not happened.

She came to Piraeus and found refuge at the house of her aunt. On July 10th, 1979 she gave birth to a baby girl at Tzanio Hospital. Five days later, she returned with the baby in the house of her aunt. She did not know that her mother had already arranged absentia to give the child to another family. The same afternoon a tall blonde woman and a tall skinny man, presented as lawyers, went at the house and took the child.

Eleni Zakka, stopped all contact with her family and never returned to her vilalge. Alone and helpless she signed the act of adoption almost a year after the birth. Shortly after she got married and had another daughter. She told her new family the whole truth.

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