The merchant’s apology for the murder of Graikos

In the midst of reactions from the victim’s brothers, the trader who allegedly killed and buried the unfortunate farmer along with his car in the courtyard of his farm, apologized for what happened that fateful afternoon of November 3, 2016.

“First of all, I would like to apologize to the family and the investigator for not saying everything.”

“That day I went to the slaughterhouse where his nephew and two Skopjans were already there,” said the accused.

“He went to the vet. We unloaded the truck at the place and at about 3 we finished. “During the slaughter, he borrowed fifteen animals and I lied to him that I did not have them, because I did not want to get involved and think that I was doing such work.”

He then reported that they sat together in the slaughterhouse canteen. “We did the bill and I found out that I had given more money, specifically four thousand and I wanted him to return it to me. All this was done in a good atmosphere. It was getting dark, Dimitris left the slaughterhouse first and I second. I left the front door and saw him ten meters from the outpost outside the slaughterhouse. I honked at him and the guard and left. ”

“I started for the village. It was getting dark and when I got to the turn, I realized it was behind me. I turned left. I thought he went right because that is his path. I went to the butcher shop and then to my animal unit “.

“I saw Dimitris there. “He saw my animals and asked me loudly, ‘Since you have animals, why don’t you give them to me, why don’t you help me?’”, The accused claimed.

“That was the point where he started to get angry, he said indecent words to me, he referred to my mother, I can not say exactly what he said. He attacked me, grabbed me by the collar. I hit him hard with the bottom of my palm on his left eye. I did not want to kill him. We both fell down, I fell on him, I tried to get up and I managed and at this point I realized that he was unconscious. I saw some blood behind his ear and I thought that he hit his head. ”

At that time, as he stated in his apology, the driver who was going to transport him to land contacted him by phone. It was already outside the farm. Anxious, he carried the lifeless body of Dimitris Graikos and hid it.

“I thought I would find him breathing, when I came back I massaged him for the second time, threw water at him, but nothing. I was lost. “I thought of calling my relatives, but I did not do it,” he said characteristically.

“I did not want to kill him”

At this point the victim’s brothers broke out, accusing him strongly that, even now, he is lying and does not respect the memory of their brother. For several hours they made threats against the accused, with the result that the court ordered their expulsion from the courtroom.

He also referred to the financial agreements they had made with the victim, stressing that “in my transactions I was always right, I do not owe anyone a single euro, if you find even one, hang me. This is evidenced by documents and testimonies. ”

Finally, the accused claimed that “the biggest problem was the next day. There was nothing I could do. I was constantly thinking about what has happened. I was in the fields all day. I rented another unit and left. I knew I was ruining my life and my family. I’m ashamed of myself. ”

The trial will continue with the speeches of the prosecutor of the headquarters and the defense and civil lawyers.

Read more about the case HERE

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