Another show by the widow

Another day with tension Jury Court of Tripoli.

The accused Dimitra Voulgari, is trying to delay her apology and the court’s decision.

She went at the court on Friday December the 16th but when the Chairman invited her to apologize, his lawyer submitted a request asking for her mother’s, father’s and sister’s husband testimony. The three of them decided to appear at courtroom.

Her sister who preliminary testified against the widow continues to remain missing despite the subpoenas.

On Thursday, December 14th the court accepted the request of Labru’s family attorney to regard the preliminary testimonies of her four relatives as official documents for the jury since they avoided to testify at court.

After a while, “showman” as his colleagues call him, former lawyer of the widow Spyros Robotis invaded in the courtroom causing chaos. The widow continuing her efforts to put obstacles at the trial’s progress, she appointed another exception request of the Jury.

Crucial revelations from maid

Yesterday, Thursday, December 15th the maid of the house where the captain was found dead witnesses many crucial clues for the case. She claimed that a month before the murder, she found unwashed female clothes that fit the body type of the widow and a sheet which recognized that it belongs to her. Responding to the Court’s questions, she claimed that she has cleaned the house thoroughly. That means that the accused footprint which was found inside the house, was recent.

As told in court, the accused asked her to false testimony. Dimitra Voulgaris demanded to testify that the captain asked her to clean the house, not herself. She also revealed in court that the mother of the accused threatened her saying that “you will regret what you said about my daughter.”

The trial is interrupted  in order to examine the requests of Voulgaris’ defence.

See more about the trial here

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