The tragic epilogue in the case of 36-year-old Maria Iatrou, the beautiful mother of the four children for who “Tunnel” was looking for, shocked Greece …

Her family is looking for the slightest detail to find the answer of how beautiful Mary was led to death.
The findings of the Amphilochia Traffic Police reveal  that the mother’s fatal accident and the fall of the car in the Amvrakikos Gulf  was due  high speed without the involvement of another vehicle.


Maria’s relatives intend to designate their own experts to examine all of the details  once the unfortunate woman starts her journey to death.


According to one version, there is a possibility that Maria made a mistake that disoriented the investigations of the first days of her disappearance. As she was communicating the fateful night through messages with her cousin, she wrote to him at  two and a half at dawn:
“I’m in Arta, Traffic Police stopped me, I’ve drunk.”
She probably wanted to write Patras and activate the phone’s auto-corrector, so she wrote Arta. If that happened, then maybe Police stopped her  on the route from Corinthos  to Patras,

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After a survey conducted by the Tunnel, it transpired that that night, the Motorways of the Road had blocked the Corinth-Patras National Road for alcohol control. But the vehicle which unfortunate Maria was driving was  not recorded. They probably checked her and let her go.

The toll camera on the Rio bridge records her it at 3:45 at dawn, which means the woman must have stopped somewhere.

The results of the toxicological and histological examinations are expected to show if the unfortunate Maria had consumed alcohol.

See more about the case here.







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