With perseverance and special attention, the Syros investigator continues the search to locate the murderer of George Apergis in Milos.

Key witnesses found on his way to the fateful night gave DNA to cross with what ςασ  found in his nails and was not identified.

Tunnel information says the 27-year-old Giorgos Apergis assassination ploy is about to be solved.

Witnesses who know things cross the threshold of the Syros investigator and give important details. The fear that until recently had been sweeping through the mouths of the islanders seems to be neglected.

The corpse of the unfortunate young  man “spoke” where no one expected it, but so many years the Authorities did not hear it …

They killed him after the feast

Seven months after his disappearance, 27-year-old George Apergis “showed” the assailant of his sting murder, after the fun at the fair of Milos …

 “Tunnel” brought to light the results of his research on his skeleton. The hit on the head was pre-death, and in his hands were found traces of defense with DNA of the perpetrator, but he remains inconceivable!
The corpse of the Athenian businessman who went to Milos Island to work in water sports was accidentally found by a shepherd in the inaccessible area of Kapari near the village of Tripiti. He was stationed there and probably moved him to the dead place.

 Tunnel opened the way for investigations with revealing testimonies that indicated to the authorities that the disappearance was not directed by him, as they believed, but was due to a criminal act.

George had gone to Panagia’s feast at Plaka Square and had fun , as it turned out from photographic documents found in the show.

The dawn of Tuesday September 8, 2009 was mysteriously lost. His handbag with personal items was found in a bar on the square while his car was in a nearby car park. ‘Bar people said they saw him around 4:00 at dawn lately.

But the testimonies provided by the show revealed that until 5:30 in the morning when the crowd had gone, they gave drinks to the unfortunate George, who was stunned in the square.

The company that was at that point in the spot must have seen what happened, but no one spoke, probably out of fear.

Some of them carried George Apergis to the deserted spot he was found dead after months. Everything seems to have preceded a fight that resulted in a killer.

Police investigations were slow, despite pressures and testimonies in the Tunnel. Experts do not exclude the DNA found in his nails, altered with time and blurred the image of the murderer.

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