Pispirigou: What did she say about the incident that left Georgina with tetraplegia

The apology of Roula Pispirigou before the 18th Regular Investigator for the second felony charged against her and regarding the attempted murder of her 9-year-old daughter Georgina lasted four hours.

The accused arrived at the Evelpidon courts shortly before nine in the morning on Monday, July 25, under draconian security measures and two hours later she apologized for everything that happened inside the Karamandane Hospital of Patras in April 2021, specifically on April 11 when the her first-born daughter suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and was left a quadriplegic.

According to the defendant’s lawyer, Othona Papadopoulos, a memorandum was filed, while to the questions put to her, “the defendant answered in a detailed, clear and unambiguous way, giving clarifications about the time of the events”.

According to the defense, “there are no responsibilities of the doctors at the Karamandane hospital, there was a cardiac problem due to a pathological cause. The act is not clearly included in the indictment.”

After the completion of her apology, she was again taken to Korydallos prisons, where she has been held since the beginning of last April for the murder of Georgina with ketamine.

Read more about the case HERE.

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