Where does the Tunnel’s new research leading up for Valentine…

The “Tunnel” follows dark and secret paths that lead abroad, to find the traces of little Valentine.

Inaccessible places preferred by the circuits that exploit minors, who are blackmailing and exploiting immigrants living in our country.

In the show on Friday, January 31, all the new elements were presented in this strange case of the 7-year-old schoolgirl.

Greek and French police are working together to identify these circuits operating in European countries. They are investigating the possibility that the little girl from Congo might have been a victim.

The father’s trip to Paris, his “friends” and his comfortable life, came under the microscope of research.

Information that arrived at the show and was cross-referenced again leads to France. From there, it appears that the missing schoolgirl was phoning the school, which is being investigated by the French authorities.

In Greece, investigations have also intensified in the hands of police officers, and there are cell phone records that “show” who he was in contact with, both the father of the youngster and his other compatriots and roommates in the Pagrati apartment.

In the coming days, answers are also expected to be received from genetic material to show if Valentin is indeed Abelka’s daughter.

The father spoke in an exclusive interview at the Tunnel about his movements at the airport in the days when the child was lost.

He claimed he went to pick up a friend and his appearance in the area was not related to his daughter’s disappearance.

Information that arrived late at the Tunnel from the Pagrati area signaled an alarm. The television viewer, who claimed to know little Valentine, said she recently saw her coming out of an underground apartment where she resides.

The show’s reporter was on the scene, but his research didn’t lead anywhere. Authorities have also been briefed to consider this possibility.

The young schoolgirl’s father spoke at the Tunnel and about the trip to Paris before his child was lost.

Father: “I went to Paris and left my daughter behind …”

The father of the young schoolgirl, who has been missing for more than a month, responded in an exclusive interview to the Tunnel for his trip to Paris. He gave his own version on other issues that raise questions and gaps throughout the case.

“I met some friends I have in Paris, I left my little girl behind. I do not understand how this trip is linked to Valentine’s disappearance”, Abelka said.

Father: “I only drink bottled water so I sent her to bring me…”

A reasonable question many of the viewers of the show have is:

Why did the father send his 7-year-old daughter alone to the supermarket to buy a bottle of bottled water and not drink water from the tap as it is drinking water?

He gave the following answer:

“I don’t drink tap water because my belly hurts, so I only get bottled.”

Read all about this story and the “Tunnel’s” deep investigation here.

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