EXCLUSIVE: Arrests for the abduction and murder of Marios Papageorgiou

The first two defendants of the first group for the abduction and murder of Marios Papageorgiou in August 2012 were arrested following arrest warrants issued by the Investigator.

The two arrested persons were brought before the Investigator on the morning of Tuesday, May 9, and are expected to receive a deadline to plead guilty to the charges they face for direct complicity in the kidnapping and homicide of the unfortunate 26-year-old optometrist.

“Light in the Tunnel” had announced that in May 2023, an end would come to the multi-year investigation and the relevant charges would be attributed to those responsible.

These are the two defendants in the case for whom incriminating telephone conversations with the “mastermind” had been identified.

They are the ones with the supposed trip they made, to sell charcoal and in fact they have been credited with the transport and eventual disappearance of Mario’s body, for which to this day his mother and Justice demand answers.

These first two arrests opened the door to the final course of the case for the full resolution, and it is expected that in the next 24 hours, four more arrests will be made of those involved in the abduction and murder of the unfortunate young man.

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