The defendant testified for the student’s murder

According to the investigation of the court Authorities, the friend of the student who murdered and got rid of her body, testified to the Patra’s Examiner.

Distinguished law practitioners who are familiar with the case, claim that the defendant gave once again a performance. He appeared unwilling to answer to any significant questions, in case of course he was asked about…

Like a proper gentleman, he thanked the Authorities for their investigation and gave three different scenarios for what might have happened to Niki Laska. He claimed that she’s alive and that he is not aware of anything else…

Now, after 6 years, it’s the district’s attorney turn to rule on the case’s future. The family of the unfortunate student of Architecture in Patra, filed a complaint against the defendant’s testimony. It basically highlights the key points with the contradictory statements of the defendant, the elements and the crucial testimonies, which require further detailed investigation. (More details on the “Tunnel’s” revelations in the section “Crime Without Punishment”).

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