Thriller with skeleton found in Rhodes

The suspicions of the authorities turn to the case in German that was lost by the Rhodes Hospital in 2014.

A skeleton probably belonging to a man found a foreign walker on the morning of Thursday, August 2, in a rough and bushy place in the area of ​​Saint Apostles, relatively close to the Hospital of Rhodes.

In a state of shock, the tourist called the authorities that soon ruled out the area. According to the indications found by the police officers in and around the body, they conclude that it is probably an elderly German who disappeared in September 2014 from the hospital.

At that time there was also a relative declaration of his disappearance in the Principles of the island by his relatives.

Since then and despite the investigations made on the island, his traces have never been traced, but to be absolutely sure the police will proceed to scientific identification of the bones by DNA analysis.

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