A thriller follows the discovery of the body of a nearly 30-year-old young man found by a water taxi crew in the afternoon of Thursday, September 5, 2019, in the sea area between South Pelion and Skiathos.
The incident was reported to the 2th Coast Guard Department of Agia Kyriaki Trikeron and to the Central Coast Guard Department of Volos, which is also conducting the investigation.
The young man’s body was about 1.75 meters high, he was wearing a black bermuda, he wore a sneaker on his left foot and a black cloth bracelet on his right wrist. He also has a tattoo on his right foot which, however, is not completely visible due to the condition of the body.
He was withdrawn with the assistance of Port Authority staff and transferred to Volos General Hospital.
His stay in the water seems to have been in the last 10-15 days and it seems to have drifted into the marine area between Skiathos and Pelion by recent days’ winds and strong currents.
Authorities are particularly investigating the case of 27-year-old Frenchman Guillaume Matarelli, who had visited Sithonia Halkidiki for the Free Earth Festival and disappeared on Monday, August 26, as clothes and age matched.
The following night after the mysterious disappearance of the young man, the Coastguard Department of N. Marmara of Ierissos Port Authority was informed by the captain of a fishing boat that while fishing in the maritime area northeast of the island of Pounta Toroneo Gulf, he noticed a dead body, perhaps a man, with the same clothes, floating.
In his attempt to reach him at that time, this was not possible due to the waves and the total darkness, and the investigations that followed from the Port Authority ended in no results.
The answer to this thriller is expected to be the DNA test, whether it is the young Frenchman or another person who may have disappeared from the coasts of northern Greece.
More on the case HERE
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