The last chapter in the thriller of Patras…

The tragic end of the triple homicide investigations in Patras, according to the scientists, which shocked the nation, was written on the night of Friday, June 24, in “Tunnel”.

The unknown conversations of the accused “mother” with Angeliki Nikolouli came to light. She herself insisted on finding out before and after the broadcasts about the data that would be presented and about what information reached the “Tunnel” call center.

Her reaction on the night of the revelation about the “child who spoke from his grave” caused a sensation.

Her obsession for promotion, revealed on the air of the show the element – “key” of the case, which was nothing more than a rag and showed her vulnerabilities. The mask she had been wearing all these months since the death of her last child fell.

The revelation of the show about the important finding in the histological examinations of Iris at the University of Athens, which consolidate her murder, caused a sensation. The suffocating death, in addition to the other findings, also results from the analysis of the thymus gland, located behind the sternum.

The thymus gland “spoke”…

When the scientists put the samples under the microscope, they saw the phenomenon of “starry sky” or “STAR SKY”, as they say. With the hypoxia that existed, the blue lymphocytes were flooded by macrophages, which are white, and thus the image “like a starry sky” appeared.

The “Tunnel” on Friday night entered the sanctuaries of the toxicology laboratory at the University of Thessaloniki, which shed light on the much-praised case, detecting the murderous ketamine in Georgia.

What did Roula ask to know after the show…

At the moment when Angeliki Nikolouli was receiving live in the “Tunnel” the recipient of the information that confirmed the most incredible horror scenario, that of the murder of 9-year-old Georgina, the accused Roula Pispirigou, was anxious to learn details.

The shocked journalist had reported that “one of the three children seems to be talking to the investigators through his grave”. According to the reliable information that reached the show, the important element that was found during the thorough investigation, the large amount of ketamine in Georgina’s body, was what finally “tied” the case to shine the truth.

The accused the next day of the show, scared for the developments, called Aggeliki Nikolouli to find out exactly what information was conveyed to her.

Roula: What was that last night?

Angeliki: Which one?

Roula: That with the child talking through his grave…

Angeliki: A very serious information that came from a valid source.

Roula: And what did he say? Which child were you talking about?

Angeliki: Well, I can not tell you. I think you understand why…

Roula: Do they find anything? In other words, nothing else, but as you say, we suffered something in the night and we also have heartache in the family… May they find it, let us know what happened.

Roula to Angeliki: What do you think about me?…

In another conversation, the accused on the day of the show, wanted to know the new information that would be presented at night.

ROULA: Will you show something about us on the show tonight?

ANGELIKI: I have some testimonies…

ROULA: What do they say?

ANGELIKI: Ah! I can not tell you my Roula. Watch the show and if you want something we say goodbye during a break… So? Do not be afraid anyway…

ROULA: I’m not afraid, I just want to know what all those who appear with their backs and without names say… Who are they?

The accused returns to give an answer to the journalist about the meeting between them that was to be scheduled.

ROULA: Mrs. Angeliki, I will meet with my lawyers and I will take you again to tell you about what we were saying. To come to my house to talk… Do not think I have forgotten you…

AGGELIKI: Why did you find Roula? Do you have to get their permission to drink the coffee I ask you for?

ROULA: E! You understand now. I have no problem coming, so to speak, to get to know you up close. But I have to let them know what I’m doing… I’ll call you. I do not think they will say no…

The next day, the journalist contacts her:

AGGELIKI: You did not call me, my Roula, as you told me. How was your meeting last night?

ROULA: Mrs. Angeliki, I’m sorry. Lawyers do not want us to be close. When the toxicologists come out, they say. Then I will be at your disposal to say everything.

AGGELIKI: But I think you have nothing to hide. What are they afraid of?

Obviously confused, she asks Angeliki Nikolouli about the conclusions she has drawn about her.

ROULA: Really, can I ask you something I want?

ANGELIKI: Tell me….

ROULA: What do you think about me?

ANGELIKI: What do you mean?

ROULA: Do you think that I have done what they say?

AGGELIKI: That you killed your children?

ROULA: You did not answer me, I want you to tell me…

AGGELIKI: Find my Roula… To tell you my truth, you have confused me. Whatever I say, however, does not matter. Whatever it is will have to be proved…

Roula’s messages to Angeliki…

Angeliki Nikolouli maintained frequent contact with the accused “mother” by phone, but also by text messages, leaving her to believe that she is in control of the conversation.


ROULA: Good morning. Did you call me from your office yesterday?

AGGELIKI: I wanted something, but I found it. What they say about the murder of your grandfather. Is it true that he killed your grandmother?

ROULA: Yes, it does.

ANGELIKI: Your father’s father?

ROULA: Yes. However, I do not think that this is related to our case somewhere, except for those who are going to combine, to prove to be a family with murderous DNA.

AGGELIKI: I agree.

ROULA: I look forward to the show tonight to see the witness who was at the last minute of Georgina with me, without me seeing him… (meaning the witness from the next ward of the hospital)


AGGELIKI: Roula, you write somewhere about the baby, “your last photo when you left…” Is there a photo of the baby?

ROULA: Yes, there is. The night before he left, two or three photos.

AGGELIKI: Did you take any videos?

ROULA: Yes, I have…

AGGELIKI: Can you send it to me?



ROULA: Good evening. How are you? I would like you to tell me because I do not remember, what will come out of me today, from what I told you, about the issue of cameras in the hospital?


ROULA: Good evening, I saw your calls. I can not speak anywhere anymore because my deposit is coming. Also, you told me that you do not have any other information to show on the show and I see more now…

AGGELIKI: After they emerged from the research, should I not take them out?


Roula’s mother-in-law, her father and her annoyance…

Manos Daskalakis’s mother in a conversation she had with Angeliki Nikolouli before Roula’s pre-trial detention, obviously excited and upset, spoke about her three unfortunate grandchildren and claimed that she had not suspected the slightest thing.

“I never said I did not want the wedding, three children have left, I am not able to speak. We did not realize the slightest thing. Not for a joke did it cross my mind, for any reason. “I am interested to see what has happened to the children, what they have left,” he said characteristically.

Roula Pispirigou was informed of the journalist’s communication with her mother-in-law. Then, angrily, she called Angeliki Nikolouli to “ask for the floor…”

Roula: From what I learned you are looking for a lot here είς You communicate with people close to me. Do not you believe what I am telling you?

Angeliki: I also want to have a personal opinion. This does not mean that you are lying to me.

Roula: Did you call my mother-in-law?

Angeliki: Yes, we talked. Grandma is and it hurts. He lost three grandchildren.

Roula: Did he tell you something different? After we have contacts. He is watching me. She is worried about me. What did you think? That we do not talk?

Angeliki: Did it bother you that I spoke to her?

Roula: Know that what I am telling you is true. She herself was annoyed that you called her and she told me.

Roula’s father had also spoken in the “Tunnel”, stating that he is convinced that his daughter is innocent and that they are accusing her unjustly.

“If I could give my soul to stop the expulsion of the children, the lost souls and to call my daughter a murderer, I would give her. I have no doubt about my child. People have nothing else to do right now. People write what they want to write, to get their bile out. We raise our own Cross and I believe we should all be respected. I appeal to all involved. Police Authorities, Forensic Authorities and whoever is competent. “Competent, not tele-judges, to finish it very quickly, to calm us all down.”

Manos’s father, obviously devastated by the latest developments, spoke to a journalist of “Tunnel”, without a camera.

“One can not imagine what we are going through, the pain we are feeling,” he said, among other things.

The compensation of the “one million” that they took care to deny!…

Manos Daskalakis, father of the dead children, is thinking according to a person from his environment to ask for compensation from the State in the amount of one million euros.

“The new finding does not correct what has been done. Manos, due to incorrect assessments and findings of official state bodies, such as the forensic service, lost children, whose death he could have prevented if they had done their job properly. To see what they will do, when he will ask them for compensation of 1 million euros… ”

Daskalakis’s lawyer denied this information, emphasizing that they will first wait to see the new prosecutions, but also that the last conclusion of the medical examiners is based to decide their next moves.

Manos himself mentions in the “Tunnel”:

“I do not speak to anyone. There is no reason to apologize to anyone and where I have to speak, I have spoken. I have said it once to Angeliki Nikolouli and I have said it all. I do not understand this “something you have to say” that I keep hearing. I do not need to listen right now. I will do it when I want. I know how… »

Manos Daskalakis without work and with only the support of his parents, is waiting to receive the conclusion of the medical examiners for Malena and Iris officially in his hands. He wants to be informed and study it before it is placed in public. His environment claims that he considers it premature to speak based only on gossip about the content of the final conclusion.

“The last time he declared support for the accusation, he was criticized. While supporting his wife, on the same day of the persecution he appeared convinced that Georgina had been murdered. What seems to be proving to him seems unthinkable, as it never occurred to him that his wife would hurt her children. Now that there are obvious signs of criminal activity for all three of his children, he wants to be absolutely sure with evidence that everything happened as described. And that’s because he sees a finding that came out after two years, overturning two other official findings. “He can not be sure at the moment,” they emphasize in “Tunnel”.

“Did the landlady die naturally or by human hands?”

The “Tunnel” was also found in the house of the couple Pispirigos – Daskalakis on Bizaniou Street in Patras and spoke with one of the two lawyers of the relatives of their landlady Eugenia Koutra, whose causes of death are being investigated…

Outside the now-sealed peace court building, lawyer Konstantinos Leon referred to the suspicions surrounding her death.

“Eugenia’s relatives are really shocked, especially after the latest revelations about the murder of the minor children of the Daskalakis family, especially about Iris who apparently died tragically in this house. Their minds go everywhere and they have a doubt about everything. “They are waiting for the conclusion regarding the causes of death and they hope that the causes are pathological and that they will not experience any unpleasant surprise, that the late Eugenia Koutra escaped from a murderous hand.”

The president of the Medical Association of Patras, Anna Mastorakou, referred to the case as a justification for the children, but also for the medical staff.

“It is a justification for the same children, but also for the doctors who found themselves in this unprecedented case, presuming the impossible. We were very lucky that it turned out, especially in the case of Georgina, to find the ketamine. The defense tries to build doubts on scientific data, which, however, are very well documented. “This incident will make us wiser,” he said characteristically.

Thessaloniki: In the sanctuaries of the laboratories that shed light on the murder of Georgina…

The “Tunnel” camera was found in the toxicology laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where the toxicological tests of all three children were performed and the murderous ketamine was confirmed.

Dr. Chrysanthi Sardeli, Obstetrician – Gynecologist, clinical pharmacologist, Associate Professor of Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacology, AUTh, shows the camera of the show the machine that makes the analyzes using the method of gas chromatography.

Gives scientific answers to those who talk about “contradictions” in the analyzes.

Regarding the intention of Roula Pispirigou’s defense to send an out-of-court settlement to the laboratory, questioning the result of the analyzes, Mrs. Sardeli answers:

“The interpretation of the results has very specific implications. It will be very interesting if such a legal document is actually submitted, to find out who is mentioned. The analyzes are not false. ”

Referring to the final forensic report, she said:

“The language of the finding is clear, scientific and substantiated. The data is specific. “A large number of people have been involved in re-examining all aspects of this case and we have to respect their scientific knowledge.”

Developments, contradictions and “war” of scientists…

Read details about the case here.

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