Devon and Cornwall police have called on Stan’s family to identify a body found off the south coast of Devon, England in Bigbury Bay.
After communication of the “Tunnel” with the brother of the missing person, Dimitris Anthis, who is in England, it emerged that he gave a DNA sample on the morning of Wednesday, April 14 to be identified.
The body is in advanced decay, so it is not easy to identify. However, his denture remains intact and from there the answers will probably be given.
Stathis, before disappearing on Monday, March 8, from the hotel where he worked on Burgh Island, talking to a friend, expressed fears for his stay in that area.
Kingsbridge police said in a statement via Facebook:
“Yesterday around 5pm, the Falmouth Coast Guard contacted the Police, informing us of a suspicious object in the water in Bigbury Bay. No official identification has been made, but the family of Efstathios Anthi (Stan), who disappeared from Burgh Island, has been informed “.
According to the officers, no official identification has been made yet, but the family of Efstathios Anthis was one of the first to be informed.
The development comes a few days after the brother of the missing, Dimitris Anthis, arrived in England to do his own research with friends.
Anthis disappeared in the early hours of Monday, March 8, when he jumped from a window on the ground floor of the Burgh Island Hotel in Bigbury-on-Sea.
Difficult to identify the body…
On Thursday, April 22, the British authorities responded to Stathis’ family for the investigation so far. According to the Britons, at the moment it is impossible to identify the body and other methods will be used. This means that the answer to the family of Anthis regarding whether the unknown corpse belongs to their man, will be delayed for several more days.
Read details of the case here.
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