She is Yvonne P., 15 years old, who disappeared in the evening hours of Friday, August 11, from a child protection center in the area of the center of Athens.
He is Ioannis Papatheodorakis, 88 years old, who suffers from dementia and disappeared from his home, in the area of Crete, in Rhodes, on Monday, August 14.
He is 49-year-old Anastasios Karagiannopoulos, who disappeared on Tuesday, August 8, and there may be serious reasons that put his life in danger.
He is Christos Kandyliotis – Sarissablis, 79 years old, who disappeared from his home, in Aegaleo, on Wednesday, August 2.
Unfortunately, Malamati Makri, aged 61, was found dead on Friday, August 4 by a passer-by, in a stream bed.