The trial of the captain’s murder continues

The trial of the Valley case continued on Friday, November 29, 2019, with the testimonies of Thanassis’s Lambrou mother and the eyewitness.

The mother of the unfortunate captain was examined first, who despite her extremely bad health, testified at the Nafplio Mixed Court of Appeals.

The elderly woman confirmed what she had said at the first hearing, that the drugs the defense was referring to, were prescribed in her own health insurance booklet in 2005, were for her own health problem and were not taken by her son, who even stressed that was not facing psychological problems.

Among other things, she referred to her son’s frequent altercations with the accused, and even reported that in one of them, she had injured him on the hand with a knife.

Thanassis’s Lambrou mother was followed by a re-examination of the eyewitness at the scene of the murder. The witness confirmed what had said at the previous hearing, namely that he had heard Thanassis’s voices, after female noises and then shootings.

The examination of the family expert and the cross-examination of the police officer with the defendant’s mother and sister did not make it possible to attend this hearing, as was originally planned. It is expected to take place on Friday, December 13, with the trial continuing.

See the progress of the case and the “Tunnel’s” in-depth investigation for the case HERE.

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